About Us
My name is Peter Hulse and this website is about a Greek poet whom I've studied for a very long time indeed. The main aim of the site is to produce an annotated edition on-line of Book 4 of Apollonius' poem the Argonautica which I hope will eventually be published here. This site is meant to be a 'protype testing ground' for material that might go into the final publication on the Dickinson College site. My site owes a great deal to the editions published there and the help and advice already given by Professors Christopher Francese and Bret Mulligan. The latter's work in producing vocabulary lists to aid fluent reading of both Greek and Latin texts has been particularly useful. His web site: The Bridge deserves to be widely known and appreciated among all lovers of Classical literature.
The Commentary |
Contributors and feedbackRosemary Hulse has already produced two, very apposite, graphic maps (at the moment they are at the bottom of the Notes) connected with particular moments in Book 4. More are in the pipe-line. Sound recordings have been promised by other potential contributors. Feedback (using the Contact form or any other method of communication!) would be very welcome. Please read a few lines, if you have the time! Did the notes help? Was the running vocabulary helpful? What else might be added?